Start Here!

I’m really glad you’re here.

My name is Mark Liskey.

I’m a certified neuromuscular massage therapist and have been practicing massage for 25+ years.

My wife, Lisa, and I own The Massage Institute , PressurePerfect™ Massage and each have private practices. I’m also a writer. You can read more about me here.

But enough about me, sheesh, let’s talk about you.

My guess is that you got into massage because you like taking caring of people.

Me, too!

However, you may have found that taking care of people for a living ain’t easy.

There are the discounted/freebie massages we’ve done for people who really couldn’t afford massage.

Oh, and don’t forget about the clients we’ve given extra time to for free, right?

I’m getting a little burnout just thinking about the emotional and financial costs connected with being nice.

And if you’re just starting out in massage, you’re probably pooping your pants a little.

Am I good enough?

Are my hands always going to hurt after a week’s worth of massage?

Should I drop $1000+ to specialize in a modality?

A lot of pressure, huh?

Next comes the impulsive decision OR the no decision at all.

And then we get stuck.

I Got Stuck

One year getting stuck cost me about $10,000.

At the time I had an office in a fitness for 5+ years. The owner of the fitness center was moving the gym 5 miles west of it’s current location. And he wanted to know if I was going to move into the new location (rent space from him).

I knew the move was in the opposite direction of where most of my clients lived, but I did draw new clients from just having my office in the fitness center. Also, adding into my indecisiveness (I hate to admit this) was that I didn’t want to hurt the owner’s feelings if I didn’t go with him.

At the last moment I decided not to move my office into the new location, BUT I had screwed around so long with making a decision that a good chunk of my gym clients never knew where I had relocated.

I Got Unstuck

There’s an answer for bad decision making and getting stuck. But I’m fairly certain the answer will make you uncomfortable.


It is: Massage is not just about taking care people, it’s about taking care of you, too.

I know, it even feels a little weird when I write it.

But it’s true in this sense: If you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t have much left in the tank to take care of others.

And that’s what this website is all about: Taking care of you.

Here’s what I mean by taking care of you.

You make the money you want to make.

You build the practice you want to build.

You feel good (no pain!) when doing massage.

You know how to save money running a practice.

And you figure out where/if (yeah, it may not work for you) massage fits in your life.

You can do all of that here–on this website because it’s a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) website.

How are you going to do it yourself?

By reading articles and watching videos.

Okay, Mark, but where do I start?

Pick your number one priority, then find the place below to start:

  1. More Money: How to Get Repeat Massage Clients
  2. Save Money: Who Has the Cheapest Massage Insurance?
  3. Build a Massage Practice: 3 Tips (Not 10) to Get Massage Clients
  4. Stay out of Pain: Table Height Is Everything
  5. Follow A Dream that’s Not Massage: How to Follow a Dream: Massage Bridge Business
  6. Multiple Streams of Income: How to Start a Massage Blog

How is that for starters?

I’ve also made shortcuts.

If you’re starting a massage business or are trying to get an existing massage business off the ground, this free program will give you everything you need to succeed: JUMPSTSTART.

If you want to take your massage business to the next level, check out the ACCELERATOR program.

You can find my NCBTMB-approved CE courses for massaging pain-free here: COURSES.

Lastly, if you want my latest information for free, sign up for my email group.

Sign up here:

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