Here are 3 massage marketing tips that produce big results, won’t cost you any money and are within your current marketing capability to implement (even if you’re just starting out as a massage therapist). Ready? Stop doing everything that marketers tell you to do. Run a special. Do demo massages. Hey, I’ve been where you [...]
Accelerate Massage Business (30K – 60K+)
My friend Doug owns a small hair salon—just him and one employee. He’s been in the business for 40 years and knows his craft inside and out. At one point, Doug ran big operations but decided smaller was better. Less stress, more joy. Recently, Doug started paring down his clients—the ones who made him want [...]
Can you have too many business coaches? Nope—at least not for me. This year, I worked with five of them, and they moved me along faster than I’ve ever moved in business. It was like trading my roller skates for a rocket. So, why the coaching spree? Because I was stuck and needed more than [...]
If you work with athletes or someone with flat feet, you may have already encountered tibialis posterior tendonitis (TPT). A person with TPT may feel pain in the arch of the foot, medial side of the ankle and/or deep in the calf. A tibialis posterior pain reduction massage might be in order. I’ve found 2 [...]