If you’re coming out of a massage and your arms and shoulders are shot, you’re doing one thing very wrong. You’re not using your legs. I don’t mean you should be sticking a knee in the lumbar erectors. (Though I have thought about that…) What I mean is that you’re not using your legs to [...]
Massage Pain-Free
As a neuromuscular massage therapist, I would do anything to reach a muscle attachment—even if it meant sacrificing a thumb or a finger. But after many years of “going for attachments”, I started to run out of thumbs and fingers. For the next decade I worked on figuring out how I could massage hard-to-reach attachments [...]
Joanne had been a client of mine for many years and loved deep pressure. One day she asked: “Does your body ever hurt after doing massage?” To this day I wonder if my head actually cocked to the side like a confused puppy. Wasn’t the obvious answer: Hell, yes?! I responded with something like: “I [...]
The benefits of hand-held massage tools are that they can save your hands (e.g., spell tired thumbs) and improve the quality of your massage (e.g., get into certain areas of the body more effectively than fingers and thumbs). But many MTs shy away from massage tools because they haven’t been shown how to safely and [...]