
How do you start a massage business? First, you need a business plan…wait…is that what you really need right now? Because that’s a checklist. And if you want a checklist, go here and have at it. Or do you need to stay motivated when trying to accomplish the tasks necessary to starting a massage practice? [...]

What was my biggest mistake in my massage career? Wait, just one…I’ve got 4 screaming Pick me! Pick me! Okay, just one. Here’s my pick: Mission creep. Specifically, I didn’t stay focused on building a massage business. I kept chasing other business ideas instead. Why did I chase other business ideas? Because I wanted to [...]

Do you need massage confidence? Then do this: 1. Get reliable feedback about your massage. 2. Then tweak your massage if you need to. That will give you confidence 80% of the time. For the other 20% of the time… 3. Do a high-power pose. High-power? Yeah, think Wonder Woman pose. (Believe it or not, there’s [...]

Is your dream slipping away? Just to be upfront, I’m not here to convince you to pursue your dream. I’m here to ask you a question: Did a wheel come off? Wheel? Yeah, if your life is a car, did a wheel fall off? In other words, did something in life throw you for a [...]

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