Years ago I needed a photographer for my parents’ 5oth anniversary party. I chose a wizen-faced photographer who had been in the business for decades. After all, if you’ve been in business for that long, you had to be good…well, let me just say that we didn’t buy one of the pictures he took at [...]
Start/Grow Massage Business (0 – 30K)
Whether you like it or not, you compete with other MTs for business. If that makes you a little uncomfortable, that’s okay. I was uncomfortable with competition at one point in my massage career, too. But as time went on I learned that competition brought out the best in me and that my success depended [...]
After a heavy day of massage, every MT has asked herself this question: should I quit massage? I certainly have. Massage is physically demanding (and mentally at times). Sometimes we are way underpaid for what we do. Sometimes clients stress us out. And sometimes we have less time than we thought because we have to [...]