If you work with athletes or someone with flat feet, you may have already encountered tibialis posterior tendonitis (TPT). A person with TPT may feel pain in the arch of the foot, medial side of the ankle and/or deep in the calf. A tibialis posterior pain reduction massage might be in order. I’ve found 2 [...]

How to Use Your Massage Stool

In my one office I had spent 10 years without having a massage stool (or anything) to sit on when doing a massage. Yeah, I’m cheap, but that wasn’t the only reason I didn’t have a stool in my massage room. I thought that not sitting would make me stronger, tougher and a more durable [...]

In February of 2022, the Massage Therapy Foundation posted the 1st phase findings of its Ergonomics Project (https://massagetherapyfoundation.org/mtf-ergo-project/). Three of the recommendations are to sit more, change work postures, and have adjustable tables and stools to vary work postures. These findings corroborated my experience which I teach and write about. Unfortunately, implementing these recommendations without [...]

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