You’ll never grow your massage business to the size you want until you test your limits. Don’t get me wrong, I’m the first to admit that limits are important. If you work 7 days a week, you’ll burn out. But sometimes a “limit” doesn’t accurately reflect the moment when you should stop something, and sometimes [...]
As you hunch over your massage table, massage after massage, do you ever get a mental picture of a little, old, humpback woman leaning on her shopping cart in the grocery store? (Suddenly massage body mechanics seem important again, huh?) You may have tried to counter the massage room hunching with cobras and pec stretches, [...]
The key to building a massage business is to actually build it. I should know. I spent many years thinking I was building a practice when I was simply living off referrals from a few key clients. Eventually, my referral sources dried up, and it was sink or swim time for Markie. That’s when I [...]
Science doesn’t know that hands can shriek, but we, massage therapists, do. In fact, it happened to me the other day. Mr. Universe walked into my office looking for a deep pressure massage. AAAHHH!, screamed my hands. (Only dogs could hear it). Then I said, Relax, hands. Remember, we know how to massage a bodybuilder [...]