I wanted to start an on-site, hotel massage business. I had a business mentor, Dave, and he gave me my first task to do. I did it, but then I made a critical mistake. I didn’t have him check my work—and it cost me big-time. Massage and Other On-Site Services Not knowing that I had [...]
If you use your forearms constantly for deep pressure you may develop shoulder or elbow problems (or start looking Quasimodo). One way to offset the workload is to mix in fists. Yep, it’s going to feel awkward at first, but once you see how deep pressure transitions between fists and forearms can be seamless, you’re [...]
Pause that hand stretch video! There are reasons why your body hurts when doing massage. One might be because you’re not adapting in an effective way. I know this sounds a little theoretical, but it’s not. I’m talking about making adjustments when working through a massage challenge. #1 Trying to Use all Your Body Weight [...]
Hotel massage can be a way to pick up some extra money. But it can also be time-consuming, costly and frustrating if you don’t know the ropes. Here are 3 actions steps that you’ll need to take in order to be successful with hotel massage: Connect with the GM, Sales Director, and a motivated front-desk [...]